elkton presbyterian church
elkton presbyterian church




(410) 398-4636


209 E Main St, Elkton, MD 21921

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What's Happening

EPC This Week Join Us!

Here's what's happening at EPC this week!


Questions about any of our upcoming events? Send a message!

* Welcome Visitors – We would love to have you come visit us in person each Sunday at 10 AM. A Welcome Bag is provided to you upon your first visit with us. We'd love to have you fill out the card inside that bag. Pastor Gary and our elders would love to call on you to know you better.

* Nursery is available: Children are always welcome in the service, but if parents prefer, there is a nursery with staff available for children ages 5 and below in the lower level hallway.

* Hearing devices and large print hymnals and bulletins are available from the greeters Please use them, if needed, to enhance your worship experience at Elkton Presbyterian Church, but remember to return them on your way out.

Sunday School offerings:

9:00am – Adult Study in the Youth Room

10:00am – Children’s Sunday School during worship

* "Thinking of You" Cards - Please see and sign the greeting cards on the back table at the end of the center aisle. These cards let those who need a boost know that their EPC church family is thinking of and praying for them. If you know of anyone that has been hospitalized,

having surgery, sick or just could use an uplifting message from the congregation, please contact the prayer group at EpcPrayRequest@comcast.net

* New Web Site Pictures - Sunday, July 21 - We will have a professional photographer at our church during Sunday School classes and worship. Photos will be used on our new church website coming soon! 

* Continental Breakfast - The Deacon's Continental Breakfast will be moved to Sunday, July 21st and will take place after worship.

Please join us in Fellowship Hall for delicious food and great fellowship! Photographer will be taking candid shots of our fellowship for the web site.


* Prime Timers Will be going to Unwined Restaurant for lunch on Thursday, July 18, 12:15pm. 285 Plum Point Road, Elkton. You can look at their menu at www.unwined.com. Please call Barb Kunkle to RSVP (410-287-9296).


* EPC hosts the Community Kitchen Meal - Friday, July 19. We will have a summer picnic meal of hotdogs, pasta salad, beans, chips, watermelon and desserts. If you would like to sign up, please contact Carol McArthur (573)-337-1884 or Judy Jacobsen (585) 749-3649.


* Save the Dates: Dec. 13 and 14: Please mark your calendars now! We will be putting on a large "bridge event" to reach out to the community--"Santa's Workshop." We will need the whole church's help! Please mark your calendars now! Organized by the FAM Ministry, Debi Heusser is the point of contact

* Nursery caregiver and coordinator positions available - We have a job opening for a paid adult nursery caregiver for 2 hours on Sunday mornings. We are also looking for a volunteer nursery coordinator to help find volunteer assistants. If anyone needs more information or would like to apply, please contact Carol McArthur in the office. 410-398-4636.

* Presbyterian Women's Annual Tea - August 10, noon, here at the church. All women are invited to join in fellowship for a program and lunch. Cost will be $10 prepaid. To RSVP and pay, please see Pam Culley or call her at (443) 406-5301.

* Once a month volunteer opportunity - We are in need of a volunteer to prepare and set up communion on the first Sunday of the month. If you are willing or need more information, please contact Liz Renwick at 443-553-7637.

* Altar Flowers - if you would like to purchase altar flowers, the sign up chart for the rest of the year is located on the lobby bulletin board. Point of contact is Edgar Saeger, rocklandboy64@gmail.com.